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4 Ways to Make Screen Time Healthier and More Productive for Kids

4 Ways to Make Screen Time Healthier and More Productive for Kids

In today’s increasingly digital world, children are often exposed to screens at an early age. From smartphones and tablets to computers and televisions, screens have become an integral part of our everyday lives. As a result, managing a child’s screen time has become a common concern for many parents.

While there is no denying that excessive screen time can have adverse effects on a child’s health and development, this doesn’t mean all screen time is bad. The key is to make it productive and educational rather than merely passive consumption. Here are some ideas on transforming your child’s screen time into a productive learning experience:

Choosing the right content

The first step toward making more screen time productive is by choosing the right content. Always ensure that the content your kids are consuming is age-appropriate and educational. For example, popular YouTube channels like Kids Learning Tube or Ms Rachel are both entertaining and educational. 

When it comes to apps and games, look for ones that offer interactive stories or videos. Remember, however, that the goal isn’t to completely eliminate entertainment but to strike a balance between educational and entertaining.

Balancing screen time with play time

While digital learning is beneficial, traditional playtime is equally important. Physical play helps children develop in such areas as motor skills, problem-solving, and social interaction. This is where games and websites that encourage kids to engage in physical activities come in. UNICEF Kid Power or Toca Dance are such examples. This will not only keep them physically active, but it will also enhance their cognitive development.

Setting time limits for your kids

Technology can be a great learning tool, but excessive screen time can lead to issues like eye strain, sleep disturbances, and a sedentary lifestyle. This is why it’s important to set boundaries when it comes to screen time. One of the best ways to do this is to establish a routine for your children where screen time is only allowed after they are done with their homework or chores.

Alternatively, you may want to look into installing parental control features on your digital devices. Incorporating a 15-minute break for snack time is also a good idea as this helps your child follow time limits without them noticing the scheduled gadget break.

Engaging with kids during screen time

Lastly, parents should set aside some of their time to engage with their kids during screen time. This helps transform screen time from a solitary activity into an interactive learning experience.

When watching educational videos together, for example, try asking them specific questions like which characters they like and why. Doing this helps promote conversational skills and critical thinking. If the show has a catchy theme song, you can also try singing along or dancing to the beat. Most young children are happy to follow your lead. 

Parents should think of their children’s screen time as more than just a pastime. After all, screens will become an inevitable part of their lives as they grow older. At this point in their development, setting up the right practices is key. With connection speeds of up to 100 Mbps for the Smart Bro Pocket WiFi Advanced and up to 900 Mbps for the Smart Bro 5G Pocket Pro

watching educational videos, streaming Science TV shows, and downloading interactive age-appropriate games are all possible.

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