If you received an error when selling load, check the 4-digit void code and follow the tips below:

1001VD#1001 The customer number you entered is invalid. Pls check the number you are loading and try again.Please check your customers number. It should have 10-12 numbers only and no special characters.
1002VD#1002 Pls check the keyword used and try again.Please check the keyword and format used when loading. Reloading format usually looks like this:
1003(Date) (Time): VD#1003 Transaction Declined. Customer Number is not allowed to avail this load package. Ref: (Ref. No.)Ask your customer if he or she is using Smart Prepaid or Talk N Text, then check if the load package is offered to the brand.
1004(Date) (Time): VD#1004 Sorry, this load package is no longer available.Load package is no longer offered or temporarily unavailable for Retailer loading. You can check with your dealer if the load package is still being offered or cross-sell another load package.
2111(Date) (Time): VD#2111 Transaction was not processed. Pls contact your Dealer or DSP for details. Thank you. Ref:(Ref. No.)Please contact your dealer or DSP to report this error. You may retry after 24 hours.
3000(Date) (Time): VD#3000 Unable to process. Load Wallet not enabled. Ref: (Ref. No.)The number you are using to load is not a retailer account. To become a SMART Retailer, please contact the dealer in your area. You may call Retailer Hotline *333 (using a SMART SIM) or *845-7733 (using landline) to help you locate the nearest dealer.
3002(Date) (Time): VD#3002 Your load wallet is not yet active. To activate, pls perform a load wallet balance inquiry. Ref:(Ref. No.)To activate your load wallet, just do the following: For Retailers with 128K SIM: Just check your load wallet balance by going to SMART Menu >LoadBuddy / LoadTNT >balance>OK. Inquiry is free. For Retailers with OLD SIM: Text PULL
3004(Date) (Time): VD#3004 Transaction was not processed. Pls contact your Dealer or DSP for details. Thank you. Ref: (Ref. No.)Your Retailer load wallet is temporarily blocked. Please contact your dealer for details.
3005(Date) (Time): VD#3005 Load package is not yet available. Ref: (Ref. No.)The load package you are trying to sell is not yet available or no longer offered. You may try to cross-sell other packages.
3006(Date) (Time): VD#3006 Unable to process transaction. Account has insufficient funds. Ref: (Ref. No.)Please check your load wallet balance and reload your account to sell this package.
3010(Date) (Time): VD#3010 The customer number you entered is invalid. Pls check the number you are loading and try again. Ref: (Ref. No.)The customer number you entered is not found in the system. Please check the number and retry loading.
3012(Date) (Time): VD#3012 The customer number you entered is invalid. Pls check the number you are loading and try again. Ref: (Ref. No.)The customers number has expired. Please advise your customer to call *888 or purchase a new SIM to continue enjoying SMART services.
3014(Date) (Time): VD#3014 The customer number you entered is invalid. Pls check the number you are loading and try again. Ref:(Ref. No.)The customers number is invalid. Please advise your customer to call *888 for troubleshooting.
3015(Date) (Time): VD#3015 Transaction Declined. Customer Number is not allowed to avail this load package. Ref:(Ref. No.)Ask your customer to reload using the proper reloading channel.For example, Smart Link users may reload using Call & Text Cards.
3016(Date) (Time): VD#3016 Transaction invalid. Subscriber is currently on International Roaming.Pls load regular SMARTLoad. Ref:(Ref. No.)The customer is currently on international roaming and cannot use promo load packages. You may sell regular airtime instead.
3021(Date) (Time): VD#3016 Transaction invalid. Subscriber is currently on International Roaming.Pls load regular SMARTLoad. Ref:(Ref. No.)The system is temporarily not available. Please retry loading after 2 hours.
3022(Date) (Time): VD#3022 Transaction was not processed.Pls try again or contact your Dealer or DSP for details. Ref: (Ref. No.)Check if the customers number format and the load package are correct. If correct, you may report this error to your dealer or DSP.
3023(Date) (Time): VD#3023 Customer Number entered is PREACTIVE. Pls advise subscriber to call *320 to activate. Ref:(Ref. No.)The customers number is not yet active. Please advise your customer to do balance inquiry, initiate a call or send a text to activate the SIM.
3111(Date) (Time): VD#3111 Request was not processed. Pls check if you are loading the correct load package and try again. Ref:(Ref. No.)The system is temporarily not available. Please contact your dealer or DSP to report this error. You may retry loading this package after 24 hours.
4000(Date) (Time): VD#4000 Unable to process. Pls check your load wallet balance before trying again. Ref:(Ref. No.)The system is temporarily not available. Please retry loading this package after 2 hours.
“Please try again” flash messageNonePlease check if you have strong and stable network signal. You may try the following: Switch your phone OFF then ON to refresh signal. If you are using 3G network, you may manually switch to 2G. If this is happening to other subscribers in your area, you may call the hotline to report a network concern.