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10 Effective Pandemic-Proof Study Habits

by Paul Marvin Tio Gamboa

The last two years have led to drastic changes that we never really saw coming.

The travel restrictions that we face and even the way we interact with the people around us have been quite unprecedented in our time.

The shift to online learning seems to have been inevitable even during pre-pandemic times.

We teachers just didn’t expect it to happen this abruptly.

Now that we’re two years into the new normal in school life, we’ve come to learn that some study habits will never go out of style and at the same time, embrace new ones that will make sure that you stay on top of your game.

Here are ten tips that have been tried and tested by students and teachers themselves:

Write down your goals

Similar to writing a lesson plan or syllabus, you must always begin by defining your objectives or goals.

They give you a sense of purpose and make your progress more tangible.

Identify concrete goals that are habit-oriented rather than being grade-oriented such as consistently submitting requirements on time or organizing your notes better.

These habits will eventually lead to your bigger and broader goals such as getting better grades.

Make a plan and stick to it

For a lot of efficient students, making to-do lists helps them stay on track.

Try downloading a task management app for your devices if you haven’t yet, or stick to, well, sticky notes.

Track deadlines and meetings

Use your phone’s calendar app or a planner of your choice.

You certainly don’t want to miss a synchronous lecture or a really important meeting with your group mates let alone forget that your paper is due in less than 24 hours.

The devices that you use have a lot of built-in apps and features that can boost your productivity, so maximize them.

Spruce up your study area

It can be a small trinket on your work desk, a wallpaper of your pet or favorite band on your gadget, or cool stickers to personalize your school stuff.

Learning is meant to be fun, and having these small items can ease you into a great mood even on a “meh” day.

Annotate texts

It’s time to level up your note-taking. Write on the pages of your books and readings. Yes, you heard that right.

Studies have shown that interacting with the texts that you read significantly improves the retention of information.

Highlighting and underlining key words and writing down your comments and insights along the borders of the page are common annotation techniques.

If you’re still on the fence, you can always use a digital copy and annotate PDF files. *wink* *wink*

Always check your emails and Learning Management System

The dawn of online learning has certainly led to the creation of new habits like checking emails for students and teachers alike for important announcements.

I’m sure you wouldn’t want to sit alone in a Zoom meeting waiting for the rest of the class and your professor to come in. “Oh wait, should I have checked my email?” Your guess is as good as mine.

Control notifications

I know that it’s already difficult enough to pay attention to an online lecture and even more so resisting the urge to check that social media notification that popped up on your screen.

Set up specific settings to control notifications especially during school hours. Discipline is key, grasshopper. 😌🍃

Form study groups with your best friends

Nothing beats sharing your pleasure (or lack thereof) for learning with good ol’ chums.

Regular video calls and having a support system in a time when we’re geographically apart has never been more important.

Reach out to your teachers

Don’t be shy to ask for help from your professors.

We are literally just one [polite] message away.

Trust me, we teachers appreciate your show of initiative way more than you think.

Don’t procrastinate

Do your tasks right away so you can finish early and maximize time for rest.

An early weekend never hurt anyone.

Forming effective and sustainable habits can lead to amazing results.

What’s great is that you can take these practices with you when you set foot into the real world.

Having a reliable internet connection at this time is crucial if you want to achieve your goals.

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Paul Marvin Tio Gamboa is a humor-driven faculty member of the Ateneo de Manila Junior High School. If not found teaching English to his Grades 7 & 8 classes, he can be found playing Pokémon Unite with his students and having brownie breaks in between.

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