Technology March 7, 2022
If artificial intelligence (AI) conjures up apocalyptic images from TV and film series like The Terminator, The Matrix, Blade Runner, Westworld, or stand-alone movies like The World’s End, just chill. AI has already wedged itself into software you use every day, including the software that runs your smartphone. Thankfully, there are no signs of them taking over the world.
At this point, AI in your smartphone is also more of your companion and tool rather than your future evil master. For example, it can distinguish whether your camera takes an image of your BFF’s face or his basketball. It also uses facial recognition whenever you open your files on your phone or do online transactions.
These baby steps that AI is taking in and through your smartphone will become more significant and disruptive as the technology. But, the good news is your customer experience will become more rewarding. So embrace the future as we walk you through the ways by which AI will make your smartphones even brighter – and your life possibly happier, safer, and more fun.
It’s a habit many of us have: dim the brightness of our phone screen before going to bed or brighten it up when reading e-books. Now, AI can automatically adjust your display. It can take note of your dim-or-light-up habits, analyze the times you do both, and then configure your settings so that the screen immediately dims or lights up when you perform those activities.
The next step in AI image capture does not just take sharper, clearer pictures of you; it also helps remove your facial flaws and let your most attractive sides emerge. First hint: it immediately spots and then sharpens or deletes the blurry shots you have taken. You can play with light and shadow to add mood and texture to your selfie.
AI can also remove background images and other objects in your original picture, like the tall trees that block off part of the glorious sunset in your background or that annoying photobomber that ruined your shot. So expect your social media likes and number of followers to explode when you post your latest selfie refined by cutting-edge AI.
Chatbots might get brownie points for answering customer service questions, but they still lack that emotional punch that warms up a client and then softens him up for a purchase. And while voice assistants like Siri verbally respond to our questions, it still sounds mechanical.
AI uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand nuances, emotion, and context in conversations. And it allows virtual assistants to respond more like a human. It can also recognize its owner’s voice, chatting him up when needed. The more advanced virtual assistants can hone into that voice once their owner says something and start a conversation, even in the middle of a bustling crowd.
The current software identifies your facial features as yours and then acts as the trigger for you to open your phone files or send a payment online – both of which you don’t want a stranger to do using your phone. These thieves end up stealing your confidential information and, worse, using your payment app or credit card to buy dozens of expensive items.
Fortunately, improved facial recognition increases accuracy to the degree that you can’t fake it. Let’s say you return home from the hospital wearing a bandage over your right cheek or get back from a two-week vacation with a beard; AI will still recognize you as, well, you. So no need to shave that facial hair or pester the doctor in removing the bandage.
Remember the Pokemon Go craze a couple of years ago that had even hardworking professionals running out of their office to chase a cute creature that seemed to be walking down their hallways but was just acting it inside their phone? That blend of the real world and the digital dimension is the next frontier of the smartphone AI, and the iPhone is taking the lead with AR-powered apps. Apps like Measure calculate the height, distance, and even dimension of objects. Through Jigspace, you can virtually take apart an item you need to study for your science lab. Then Standland’s chubby pet goads you into standing away from your desk and moving for a few minutes just to keep your body moving.
With Android devices also getting into the picture, AR will become even more mainstream. Imagine your favorite K-pop (or Hollywood) artist seemingly jumping out into your living room when you need an upper or a digital artist virtually painting and redecorating your house before you call the human interior decorator to do the real thing.
A lot of creativity and play will come into this area. The most innovative AI in AR, though, is the one that can lead us into all these activities and adventures without the cumbersome headsets or earpieces. To ensure that your smartphone has the most intelligent AI to introduce you to current and future trends, choose among Smart’s fastest mobile 5G phones. Then, customize it with a Smart Signature Plan that best fits your needs. Or download the GigaLife app to subscribe to a data promo so you can keep yourself updated on the latest tech developments.