Technology November 25, 2022
Scammers are getting more clever each day. But you can still prevent them from harming you by understanding all the online scams in the Philippines and following the numerous ways to protect yourself online.
Phishing started in the late 90s until the early 2000s when hackers sent emails to individuals, imitating bank accounts or official statements.
The purpose of these emails would be to hook the individuals into sharing their passwords or other personal details.
This gives the hacker access to accounts that use these passwords and details, possibly stealing money or social media accounts from the original owner.
For your safety, avoid giving your personal information, including your OTP, birthdate, addresses, etc.
Practice changing your passwords regularly as well.
The scam is a Japanese word meaning “one ring and cut,” which means precisely that.
Wangiri is a telephone scam that lets hackers steal money from users depending on how long they stay on the line.
The scam starts with an unknown number calling you, usually from overseas.
They will purposely leave a missed call, prompting the users to call back.
The call is then re-routed to an expensive network that’ll cost you money for scammers to earn.
There are also Wangiri scams that can use local numbers, then re-routing to overseas networks.
Some won’t leave missed calls and wait for you to answer, then come up with a narrative that lets you stay on the line.
Scammers are getting craftier, but you need to remain aware of the methods they are currently utilizing.
Report any strange-looking numbers to authorities and block these numbers as fast as you can.
Another form of phone scam is when hackers imitate official calls to gather the personal information of a potential victim.
Skilled hackers use convincing phrasings to prompt individuals to release passwords, OTPs, and even their full names and addresses for malicious gain.
There are reports where some vishing scammers would sometimes formulate a scenario, such as an accident, to get individuals’ attention.
Other times, hackers will threaten people for information. Vishing can be a terrifying experience, especially since you’re directly communicating with the hackers.
Smishing combines the words “SMS” and “Phishing.” Instead of emails or online platforms, hackers would fish for your information using text messages.
This scam is the most common form of hacking in recent weeks, as many have received daily texts from different numbers.
Smishing isn’t easily blocked or sent to “spam” like emails, and it’s easy for others to be fooled because of the personal-sounding messages.
In addition, some hackers have also been using individuals’ names and even official company names.
While these may seem frightening, you can still protect yourself and avoid falling for the hacker’s messages.
Once you are familiar with the patterns of Smishing scams, it will be easier to recognize these hackers to avoid any incidents.
You can read here for more tips to prevent getting scammed. Let’s help lessen the number of victims by sharing the info with friends and family.
You can also follow some of these safe practices to protect your privacy, such as enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) in important accounts or using VPNs.
Here are some more tips to keep in mind to avoid getting scammed:
SMART has partnered with law enforcement agencies to lessen the number of scammers online.
Smart coordinates with groups such as the Philippine National Police to launch investigations against those sending smishing texts.
The facts uncovered will help the groups find ways to prevent more victims and decrease the incoming smishing texts.
In an additional effort, SMART has clickable links in text messages and has doubled its security to recognize spam while continuously spreading public awareness to its users.
If you’re still receiving smishing messages, you can file a report to the NTC here or send it to