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Three Ways to Make Your Workation-At-Home Work Wonders

There’s no denying how disruptive this pandemic has been to everyone. With all the stress that the pandemic brings, keeping a positive work-from-home experience is a challenge.

The solution? Taking a well-deserved workation. Mark your calendar and consider this your at-home (b)leisure blueprint to strike the perfect balance between life and your livelihood.

Turn It Down A Notch

You can never go wrong with taking days off and pairing them with sessions of meditation.

A schedule dedicated to solitude and self-reflection allows you to bring down negative emotions, focus on the present, build self-awareness, and manage stress.

Having all these in your workation-checklist will help relieve the anxiety caused by staying at home most of the time.

Centering yourself coupled with a digital detox can alleviate stress in more ways than one. Take a break from social media and your devices, and you’ll be surprised that it might improve how well you sleep at night.

Stepping away from your phone can also provide relief on your neck and back. Extended periods of being hunched over looking at your screen can cause strain and imbalance in your body.

You may also be experiencing headaches, blurry vision, and dry eyes from your phone habits, so take some time away and give yourself room to rest and recover.

As difficult as it may seem, a successful digital detox can be done with discipline and commitment. Apply an out-of-sight, out-of-mind outlook and delete unnecessary social media apps from your phone.

Part of an effective digital detox is letting your office colleagues, family, and friends know you’re undergoing one. It helps a great deal if you’ve got people who have your best interest at heart cheering you on.

Cinema Is Therapy

As volatile as lockdown classifications have been, planning vacations and out-of-town trips have become almost impossible to plan.

It’s no secret that many of us have found solace in different streaming services. Whether it’s being up-to-date with the latest smash-hit series or re-watching one classic flick after the other, it’s easy to suddenly feel like there’s nothing left to see.

But, here’s a streaming service thought: why not track down movies you grew up watching that were instrumental in your coming-of-age?

From the first movie that made your cry as a kid to the one that spooked you silly, there are a number of takeaways waiting to be uncovered on this trip down memory lane.

While this may seem like just another deep dive into movies, approach it as a form of therapy, which in many ways, a reprieve from your work routine truly is.

According to research, watching movies can incite an emotional release, help us make sense of things, and even tap memories and emotions we’ve never explored before.

Take Your Palate Around the World

Good food can bump any brand of blues into oblivion. Unsurprisingly, taking a gastronomical adventure nowadays is within your fingertips — whether it’s discovering exotic recipes online or having the trendiest of food delivered.

For this home edition of a workation, enjoying various types of cuisine is all about pushing the envelope.

Our suggestion: enjoy a different cuisine per workation day. The catch: it has to be something you are not completely accustomed with.

Be mindful of portions and taste profiles because it’s easy to overdo this and ruin your appetite. Don’t go for quantity, rather focus on the quality of flavors that have always intrigued you.

If you have children, there is no better way to introduce them to new cultures and experiences but through food. Opt to make workations with family more interesting and inject an aspect of culinary competition.

Quiz your young ones on herbs and spices that have become trademarks to certain fares — or even those made popular by culinary masters themselves.

Case in point: plan a taco night. Now in some tacos, you’d typically find cilantro, thyme, oregano, parsley, and salt, just to name a few.

However, in British chef-restaurateur Gordon Ramsay’s tacos, you’re bound to find something with a little more kick thanks to his recipe that’s packed with cumin and cayenne. It’ll definitely be an interesting family meal inspired by one of the world’s best chefs.

Now that your next workation weekend is sorted out, and with the amount of things you’ll have to look up and watch online, it makes sense to get a Smart BRO prepaid device now that they’re 50% off until the end of August.

With Smart BRO, you’ll have access to the fastest and most reliable network that can provide you with an unlimited data connection via Rocket SIM, so you can enjoy your workation-at-home without any interruptions.

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