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5 Best Vision Board Apps to Help You Achieve Your 2022 Goals

5 Best Vision Board Apps to Help You Achieve Your 2022 Goals

Visualizing your goals helps you achieve them because seeing the images or videos that represent them can be a powerful reminder to hold on to the essential things, especially when things initially don’t turn out as expected. 

Old-school vision board fans prefer an actual physical vision board like a picture album, a whiteboard, or a bulletin board. They cut photos from magazines and pin them, write power words and affirmations, and place the board where it can be easily seen. 

The digital version has replaced it because these virtual boards are easily accessed through a phone app. So if you’d like a fresh burst of creative energy or simply a firm reminder not to give in to discouragement, you can just click on it to view your vision board. There is no need to wait until you reach home and look at the analog board hung on your bedroom wall. 

Here are five of the best vision board apps for mobile that work on iOS and Android devices: 

Corkulous Professional 

Corkulous is arguably the best vision board app because it consistently appears in the “best of” lists. Also, it’s very versatile since it lets you post a wide range of content on the digital corkboard aside from photos and text, like sticky notes, emojis, contacts, bookmarks, among others. What’s fun about it is that after posting the elements on the corkboard, you can drag them around, arrange them to your liking, or completely change the sequence if you want to make a story out of your visualizing journey. 

Corkulous’ sub-board feature lets you break down an important goal into smaller boards. This feature allows you to formulate steps to achieve the main goal you’ve set for yourself. The in-app purchases unlock other elements like different board sizes and shapes, posting PDF documents, sketches, grids, etc. However, if you can work with the free version to make your vision come true, you’re all good. 

Available on the iPhone and iPad. Click on:


Visuapp takes the vision board further. Its focus is making you keenly aware of your short-term or long-term goals, e.g. how near or far are you from reaching them. It also gives you tips on how to make your visualization more solid, tangible, clearer, and detailed. It can analyze your visualization sessions and suggest which goals to focus on.

If you’re stuck and can’t concentrate, Visuapp also has a meditation tool that leads you into quieting down and calming your mind through music. Once serenity has replaced anxiety, it becomes easier for you to focus and visualize.

Available on iOS and Android devices.

For iOS:

For Android:

MyGoals: Set Vision Board, Gratitude Journal

How do you see the glass: half-full or half-empty? Positivity or negativity can influence you into going forward with your goals, slow down, or stand still.  What makes the MyGoals digital vision board different from the others is its gentle nudge towards an approach of gratitudem which belongs to the half-full camp. Yes, it has the usual user-friendly tools that enable you to set your goals with matching images. But MyGoals puts you on the right footing by giving you a gratitude journal that lets you list down the things that you do find yourself thankful for in a day, a week, a month, or a year. 

If you can’t find the words, the gratitude journal has plenty of affirmations that will remind you of your own self-worth—and that’s something to be grateful for, too. Zen-like quotations give you different perspectives on life, and that clash with a colleague this morning suddenly transforms from an office challenge to a place where you can grow your professional maturity. You can write down your lessons and insights in the journal.

The beauty of this approach is that it subtly boosts your self-confidence and gives your subconscious reasons to believe that you can reach the end of your road map. The gratitude journal lets you see that you are not starting from zero. Simple recognition of life’s small blessings like the commendation of a colleague or the fact that you have a job despite the pandemic can encourage you to move forward. It makes you realize that the glass is half-full. 

MyGoals is also the perfect vision board app for planners who think long-term. It lets you break down your vision goals in years, months, and then weeks. It can even let you do a five-year plan of what you want to accomplish in life. Long-term planning can be a powerful tool to keep you going. The occasional failures or mistakes will not derail you from your path because you will always have the big picture in mind – right in your digital app. 

Available on iOS and Android devices.



Subliminal Vision Boards 

This vision board app unleashes your inner guru by helping you tap into the Law of Attraction to make your dreams come true. Aside from letting you create your goals with images and the corresponding inspirational quotes, it also enables you to build a multi-media sensory experience. You can incorporate sound, music, and your voice or others’ into the images in the app. While most digital vision boards let you contemplate the images and memes you see, the Subliminal Vision Boards app accelerates their absorption into your mind, from the conscious to the subconscious layers. 

As its website says, this particular vision board app can help you “program your subconscious,” which, by the way, is responsible for a lot of our secret motivations and unexplained actions. Listening to these mini-movies several times a day or before you sleep can purportedly remove your subconscious blocks and fears, and increase your faith in your ability to reach your dreams.  

It certainly beats looking at a dozen notifications a day. Visualizing those goals on the app can become second nature to you, and realizing them can be done in a spirit of peace.

Available in Android and iOS.



Hay House Vision Board App

If you would rather get your affirmations and sources of inspiration from an actual guru – as opposed to harnessing your inner voice – then the Hay House Vision Board App might be the digital vision board for you. It is inspired by and contains the affirmations and messages of prominent motivational speaker Louise Hay. The visionary passed away in 2017 at the grand old age of 90, but her quotes and messages live on.

While the app also offers a lot of images and memes to create your vision board, its real treasure lies in the hundreds of affirmations and life guidelines that the late mentor provides. Neither is the site confined to just her words of wisdom. Some of the affirmations and memes that you can capture and post come from other inspirational leaders who share their courageous advice in reaching one’s dreams.

Finally, the Hay House Vision Board App connects you to a support system: a digital network composed of vision-ers, life affirmers, and Hay enthusiasts. Interacting and sharing lessons with kindred spirits might help you realize all those visions sooner than later.

Available on iOS and Android



Designing and continually expanding your digital vision board can be a very immersive and rewarding experience. Sometimes, once you begin, it’s hard to stop. That’s why you need a reliable, high-speed internet connection like Smart’s 5G network. Download the GigaLife app and avail of exciting data promos today.

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