Lifestyle September 8, 2021
With the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, changes had to be made in people’s daily routines. Most things are done from home nowadays including work, school, and entertainment.
The Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) report published last December (2020) included varied concerns regarding online learning including insufficient money for phone load, lack of gadgets, bad internet, difficulty understanding lessons taught online, the parents’ lack of time to spend with their children on schoolwork, and the inability of children to focus during online classes.
So, what do you do as a parent of a kid dealing with the downsides of online learning? How do you increase its appeal for both you and your children? You emphasize and reinforce its advantages.
Like you, kids respond to things more when they can relate to it. Showing the lesson’s relevance in their daily life is one way to make it more interesting and relatable.
Take time to review your kid’s curriculum and think of ways to contextualize. Math exercises, for instance, can be related to dividing barbeque sticks and pichi-pichi among family members.
For younger kids, you can complement their lessons with fun and exciting games that apply the things they’ve learned. For example, you can play “I Spy” and relate them to colors and words in their learning modules.
Create a Conducive Area for Learning
A kid’s learning environment is crucial in preventing boredom and lack of motivation. Our brains associate spaces with activities so involve your children in some redecorating or repurposing of furniture.
Invest in a Good Internet Connection
Based on the results of the Movement for Safe, Equitable, Quality and Relevant Education’s (SEQuRe Education Movement) survey conducted last June 25 to July 2, 2021 to assess the one-year implementation of the distance learning program in public basic education in the country, 57 to 66 percent of the respondents attested that their academic work is affected by intermittent internet signal.
Invest in a reliable unlimited internet connection like Smart BRO’s Rocket SIM, as well as a backup internet connection for emergency situations.
Communicate with the Your Child’s Instructor
The teacher experiences the class first hand so they will have their own sets of observations and challenges. Learning from them will make you more aware of your child’s online schooling hurdles so you can think of more concrete ways to address them.
If you’re an adult taking online classes or working remotely, you might be experiencing similar challenges as well.
Burnout, lack of focus, and obstacles to communication are some of the issues that adults face in trying to be effective and productive.
Aside from practicing self-care and working in a healthy environment, a reliable connection is also essential in minimizing frustrations and maximizing your output.
An affordable, flexible, and fast internet connection like Smart BRO is a great option for employees, students, and business owners.
It’s a continuing effort to adjust to this new normal, but stay strong and don’t forget the connections that matter most: family and friends.
We will get past this together. Take care, everyone!
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